Alumni Association
The alumni of the faculty are invited to join the Alumni Association of the Ukrainian-Dutch Faculty of Economics and Management of Ternopil National Economic University.
The purpose of the Association is to unite under the aegis of the faculty the alumni of different years who remember and appreciate the unforgettable time spent at the native university to facilitate the professional, intellectual, creative and spiritual communication between the graduates, friends, and professors. That will let to use the experience and skills of all the members of the Association to develop the programs of the University.
The Association acts on the basis of voluntary, equality, cooperation and interaction of the participants, it hasn’t got a political aim.
The main objectives of the Association are:
- informational and consulting exchange between the alumni;
- participation in organizing and conducting of the conferences, seminars, public lectures, round tables, workshops, presentations to solve the research questions and share the experience;
- promotion of international cooperation and participation in international organizations and associations;
- organizing of the annual traditional meetings, establishment and support of contacts between the members of the Association, including mutual support in Ukraine and worldwide;
- facilitation of the organizational support of the student’s associations, including participation in the concerts and sports;
- promotion of the Ukrainian-Dutch Faculty of Economics and Management achievements and conducting of the career guidance work to attract the youth to study at the university;
- facilitation of the Ukrainian-Dutch Faculty of Economics and Management in the organization of students’ work placement at the enterprises, institutions, organizations on which work or which are headed by the university alumni;
- employment and career development of the alumni of the faculty;
- experience exchange with the other alumni associations, community organizations in Ukraine and abroad.
Please register by sending the e-mail information about yourself. To do this, open the form, fill in it, save on your computer and send us an e-mail.
The questionnaire of the Ukrainian-Dutch Faculty of Economics and Management alumni.
We are grateful to you.
See you!!!
Address: Shevchenko boulevard 9, Ternopil, room 13-14