Our address
Ternopil National Economic University, building 10,
room 13, 14 (dean's-office)
9 Shevchenko Boulevard, Ternopil, Ukraine, 46000
How to reach us
The map (view larger map) shows the direction of movement to the UDFEM building (B) from the railway station (A).
Walking time from the railway station (0.5 kilometers) is about 6 minutes, from suburban bus station (1.2 kilometers) - about 16 minutes, from the main bus station (1.4 kilometers) - about 18 minutes.
Phone book
You can call us using the local number or the internal number in TNEU. Ternopil town code: 0352.
Dean's-office. Dean: Lyudmyla Havrylyuk-Yensen:
- internal: 19-203,
- local: (0352) 43-52-41.
Methodists: Olga Pidvysotska, Olga Kolodnytska:
- internal: 19-209,
- local: (0352) 43-52-41.
Business Communication and Organizational Behavior Department. Department chair: Lidiya Kurant,
Methodist: Liliya Mandziy:
Department of International Managenent and Marketing.
Department chair: Olena Sokhatska:
- internal: 19-204,
- local: (0352) 52-40-46.
Technician: Olga Kyhtun:
- internal: 19-210,
- local: (0352) 53-91-58.
- internal: 19-216,
- local: (0352) 53-95-03.
Commandant: Stefaniya Tyryk:
- internal: 19-230,
- local: (0352) 52-19-50.