We are pleased to inform you that the admission process is open for our Dual Degree on-line. Be aware that this on line program is fully taught in Spanish. Registration deadline is March 19 for all those who wish to have the following qualifications awarded by the Foro Europeo:
- International MBA. (The requirement is that applicants are pursuing or have completed an MBA)
- Human Resources Management (The requirement is that the applicant be enrolled or have completed a Masters degree in Human Resources) or
- Diploma in Strategic Leadership in a Global Environment. (The requirement is that the applicant has completed a university degree).
Every year the program content is updated and focused on Leadership and we want to provide our students the emphasis on Leadership and Internationalisation. Business demands professionals with these skills and profiles.
The program structure is as follows depending on the option chosen by the student:
A) Fully on-line: 4 online subjects plus a final assigment that will be sent by post service.
B) Partially online: 4 on line subjects plus one week coursed at Foro Europeo.
On-Line subjects are:
-Leadership, values and company.
-Personal Leadership and People.
-Strategic Leadership.
-Globalization and International Markets.
The price for this program is 2,200 euros.
The steps for registration are:
Fill the "application form" on the website www.foroeuropeo.com in the following link:
http://www.foroeuropeo.com/content/solicitud-admisi% C3% B3n-graduate? reference = MBA% 20Internacional
and send the following documents by e-mail to mtrullenque@foroeuropeo.com:
- ID Photocopy
- Curriculum Vitae
- Photocopy of the graduate degree or certificate.
- 1 passport-size photo jpg
- Proof of payment (120 euros).
Once the documents are approved, students will recieve a case study that they will need to solve in 48 hours and send it back by e-mail.