The agreements of cooperation of Ternopil National Economic University with other educational institutions imply the students and faculty exchange programs, exchange of curricula and educatonal methodological and scientific literature, organization of mutual research projects, scientific conferences, symposiums, summer schools and round-table discussions, etc.
Recently the faculty has got relationships with the following universities:
Foro Europeo - The Business School of Navarra offers programs for upper Management, MBAs for both professionals and recent undergraduates, training programs for organizations, and undergraduate degrees.
The Master in International Business Administration (MBA-I) and the Master in Human Resource Management includes the possibility of earning a second Master degree from London Metropolitan University (an official title valid in accordance with the Bologna Agreement) or from the United States Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (an official degree valid in the United States Educational System).
British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) is known for its powerful educational philosophy based on the belief that students learn best by applying their education in actual work settings. This results in over 86% of BCIT graduates finding relevant work within a short time of graduation. Employers consistently report that this educational model provides BCIT graduates with team-building and problem-solving skills that prepare them to actively contribute on their first day of employment. BCIT maintains this relevancy with industry through a variety of linkages such as its hiring practices, advisory committee structure, internships and directed studies, and educational programming. These linkages form the core of how BCIT has been successful in bringing its students into the workplace “job ready.”
Contract signed: 25.03.2010Combining an academic and practical approach at the highest level - this is the principle of University of Applied Sciences (FH) bfi Vienna. Students who have completed one of the University's four degree programs are well-prepared for immediate professional practice and have excellent career opportunities.
Assistance and open communication are the basis for successful co-operation between students, administrators and staff. The University supports and encourages the student's and faculty's exposure to international experience.
When Institut Superieur de Commerce International de Dunkerque was founded in 1985, the emphasis was on International Trade to meet the needs of the business community that was short of sales agents. As a result of an ever-increasing expansion of globalization, the scope of the school program has been enlarged to focus on such functional specializations as sales and logistics.
ISCID gives priority to learning through active involvement, a sure way to enhance future employment prospects. This active involvement takes various forms which have one thing in common: to give the students a foretaste of situations which they will meet in the near future.
INHOLLAND University is the result of a merger of Alkmaar University of Professional Education, Haarlem University of Professional Education, Hogeschool Holland University of Professional Education and Ichthus University of Professional Education/ Delft University of Professional Education. Each of these universities had built up a good reputation. In the regions in which they are active, they offered high-quality programmes in a personal setting and with direct links to companies and institutions.
Contract signed: 01.01.2003Орхуська Школа Бізнесу - це незалежний вищий навчальний заклад, що знаходиться в Орхусі, другому за величиною місті в Данії з населенням біля 275000 чоловік. Школа отримала свій поточний статус університету в 1956 році та фінансується з бюджету Королівства Данії; в 1989 році школа відзначила свою 50-ту річницю.
Орхуська Школа Бізнесу в своєму складі містить один факультет Управління бізнесом та сучасних мов, який в свою чергу складається з кафедри обліку, фінансів та логістики, кафедри мов та ділового спілкування, кафедри економіки, кафедри права, кафедри менеджменту та міжнародного бізнесу і кафедри маркетингу, інформатики та статистики. На факультеті викладаються дисципліни та присуджуються звання на рівнях бакалавр, магістр та Ph.D.